Sunday, August 31, 2014

crater lake

 our next stop was crater lake. i must be a dummy.. because i honestly thought it was a lake you could swim in and just hang out at all day. i even had my swimsuit on, ready to cannonball in. i was wrong. we showed up and it was so cold and i don't even think there is access down to it. it was super pretty though. we drove around it and snapped some pictures and that was that. i'm just glad we didn't plan on spending a full day there because we got our feel for it within a few hours. 

we stayed at a pretty cool RV park that night and had brauts and s'mores over the campfire. the next morning we went canoeing for a little bit on a pretty river. cuba wanted to go along so tanner took her out for a little ride. that dog is spoiled.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

smith rock

the cool thing about the painted hills and smith rock, was that they were truly hidden gems in oregon. i had never heard of these places until their seven wonders campaign. both times, i thought we were getting lost and our gps didn't know where it was going and then we would stumble upon our destination and be in awe. smith rock is known for it's rock climbing, which we obviously didn't do. we just walked along some of the paths but didn't do any major hike. i was curious to see how cuba would do because i've noticed she is already slowing down and becoming a lazy bulldog. she did pretty well but pooped out for hours afterward. i always get worried when she starts panting really hard because their breed are known to over heat easily so i'm always trying to get her shade and water and for somewhere cool to lay her belly on. i loved having her with us even though it was a little hard sometimes figuring out what to do with her. there was no way i would leave her in the RV when we wanted to do things and luckily enough, oregon is the most dog friendly place on the planet. that helped a LOT.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

rest stop

 i guess i might as well document our rest stop stay since it was actually pretty fun. we decided not to use the bathroom in the RV so we didn't have to deal with the smell and cleaning. so the rest stop was pretty convenient for the night. i was kind of freaking out using the bathroom in the dark.. but tanner was nice enough to walk with me and wait outside the door. we pulled in when it was dark and woke up to some really pretty mountains. tanner pulled out his penny board and rode around while cuba chased him. then we hiked around a little bit and then got on the open road. 

painted hills

tanner and i set out on a road trip through oregon earlier in august. there is a campaign right now to increase tourism to oregon called "the seven wonders of oregon" and we made it to all of the wonders in a week. a lot of time was spent driving in a RV we rented from craigslist but at least the drive was beautiful. our first stop was the painted hills. i had never heard of them before but man, they're beautiful. we were afraid we wouldn't see anything because it was getting dark as we got there. instead we got to see them in the most beautiful lighting with the sun setting and the moon rising. there was no one else there which made it very peaceful. we got a few photos before it got too dark. then, i put the settings on my camera to bring in as much light as possible which made blurry photos (no tripod) but i love the way they turned out for some reason. maybe because it was really dark and i thought it was incredible that a camera could do that, or because they look like film, but i just love them. that night we just pulled off into a rest stop in the middle of nowhere and slept in the RV. normally that would freak me out, but i felt safe and sound in that ol' 94 RV. 

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